
This category contains all of our latest articles on Facebook and the Facebook stock.

  1. Why we should not be asking if a company is a monopoly, and what we should be focusing on instead. In Apple's case, it is their App Store dictatorship and control over users and developers.
  2. Apple is not better than Facebook, and if you are a user, this is why you should use Android instead.
  3. When Mark Zuckerberg was asked by congress if Facebook was a monopoly, he mentioned competitors such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.
  4. Facebook stock may take longer to recover, but not because of any real bad news. Public opinion is blamed.
  5. Why I remain positive about Facebook, even in spite of recent Cambridge Analytica incident. Fundamentally, nothing has changed, and Facebook remains the leading social media site.

Articles on Facebook

Learn more about issues relating to Facebook, and which might affect the Facebook stock price.